About The Fresh Market

The Fresh Market brings a fresh take on grocery shopping. Founded in 1982, the grocery store focuses of creating an environment that provides customers with a warm and inviting shopping experience while supporting local growers and charities. Because of this, The Fresh Market is more than just a store — It's part of the community.

Today, The Fresh Market operates over 170 locations across the East Coast of the United States. With plans on expanding westward, the store needed a way to manage its growing construction projects. Projectmates Construction Program Management Software has been selected as The Fresh Market's facilitator in managing their store openings, remodels, renovations, and much more.

Projectmates Construction Project Management Software provides a collaborative platform between owners, architects, and contractors. With over 40 built-in modules including document/design management, project scheduling, RFIs and submittals, field reports, integration with accounting, and even a mobile construction management app for users on-the-go, Projectmates equips The Fresh Market with all the essential construction management tools to keep their projects on schedule and under budget.

About Projectmates

Today's retail construction projects have many moving pieces, dispersed project participants, and unforgiving schedules. In order to accomplish all project-related goals in a timely and efficient manner, the right kind of tools are critical. Projectmates excels at retail construction with real-time, up-to-the-minute access to the most accurate information for your projects. The cloud-based solution is designed to keep schedules on track, under budget, and with minimized delays.

Projectmates is the most comprehensive retail construction management software available today. Being an enterprise mobile construction app, Projectmates improves team collaboration and communication in real time regardless of device. Our online construction management software provides a centralized location for construction workflow automation, construction document management, punch list management, contract management, construction accounting integration, and much more. Our powerful and informative construction project dashboards and ad-hoc reporting tools provide high level project tracking with unparalleled transparency.

Project Management Software for Construction
Systemates, Inc.
Richardson, Texas
Phone: 214.217.4100

The Fresh Market

Corporate Headquarters
628 Green Valley Rd
Greensboro, NC 27408

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